Thursday, April 22, 2010


Today during geo lesson i quarrel with my friend audrian . i scold him kbkp than teacher say she sending me for canning lol. teacher bias sia . yesterday my friend same person scold CB so loud in front of the teacher nothing happen thn i scold kpkb thn jiu kana yellow form and going for canning so dulan.Than recess sms jie jie share what happen with her. she was just at the next table. i so boliao next table also dont dare talk must sms . From the day i met my jie . There is only 1 time she say hi to me . That was when we were at mac . today my mother coming back from china . Hope she bought things for me . sianxz now watching 9 o clock show . our vice cap ricky tomorrow training me wor so good de him . Thats the end for today.

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