Friday, May 7, 2010

today wake up in the morning . went to bath and meet wee kien at my hse downstair . after that went to school and took my exam. pay for my locker rental and have mother tongue paper 2 . after paper 2 , went to art room for briefing on what to do during art exam . went to northpoint saw my mei guan lin and some of my school friend . my school friend was with another friend from mayflower secondary school . he was like 3 head shorter than me . make me laugh . he jio us for sparling 1 on 1 . when we sae come la he diam diam . than went home for tuition with lionel and audrian . audrian first time came to my hse and went to play bball . he than realise that my hse de bball court very fun to play . than went home, mother brought me to meet a new friend name called hector . his cca was also bball and he always play golf with my mum . than we started to talk with each other and the laughter of us bring us together . than it was time to go home . we all wave good bye and i went home . i have to go got to stop blogging byes .

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