Wednesday, June 2, 2010

sorry all so long never post concentrating on audi . want to lvl 24 today went out go yishun park with zane and chee meng to ride bicycle . almost fall zane fetch me freaking fast . thn go back to home play nitendo wii . after that go out to park at 6 ++ . played racing at road with zane and chee meng . lost to zane and won chee meng hahas . chee meng always turn by outer lane i overtake him by inner lane he freaking dulan hahas thats the end for today and hu is passer by

Friday, May 7, 2010

today wake up in the morning . went to bath and meet wee kien at my hse downstair . after that went to school and took my exam. pay for my locker rental and have mother tongue paper 2 . after paper 2 , went to art room for briefing on what to do during art exam . went to northpoint saw my mei guan lin and some of my school friend . my school friend was with another friend from mayflower secondary school . he was like 3 head shorter than me . make me laugh . he jio us for sparling 1 on 1 . when we sae come la he diam diam . than went home for tuition with lionel and audrian . audrian first time came to my hse and went to play bball . he than realise that my hse de bball court very fun to play . than went home, mother brought me to meet a new friend name called hector . his cca was also bball and he always play golf with my mum . than we started to talk with each other and the laughter of us bring us together . than it was time to go home . we all wave good bye and i went home . i have to go got to stop blogging byes .

Monday, May 3, 2010

Today woke up at 7 am. Sms chee meng and eldrick ask them whether they have waked up already. Only chee meng woke up, he pack his things and came to my house at 7.30 am. Then, we on the computer and started playing sudden attach, as only one of my computer have, we both keep on snatching for the game. While the other com is on, I asked chee meng to download SA so after than we could play together. Time pass so fast till it was 9. We were getting ready to leave for Mac to have breakfast. On the way to Mac, we kept trying to call eldrick but he did not answer. After breakfast, we called him again, this time he answered. Than when I hung up the phone, I realized I had forgotten to tell him something. So I called him again, he did not answer the phone. We didn’t bother him and straight away left for the mrt station. We took mrt to bishan than change to circle line to paya lebar. Then still need to change to pasiris. We reach pasiris; we didn’t know how to go so we asked around. We have to walked straight all the way to reach our destination, but then we realized that we walked one big round. When we were almost reaching, we took a taxi there. It’s like so near. Then, we asked how we get to the escape theme; they told us that today close. So fed up. Then we went to the shopping centre near downtown east. Went to play bowling, the next lane was three chio-bu seh. I had my eye on one of them. They left earlier than us. After the game, we went to the arcade to play. We played basketball, almost break the highest record. We straight away left the shopping centre as it is time to go home. We cross over the road and waited for the bus. Straight away went back to yishun, went home to take money and went to 747 eat. After that, I went home with chee meng to play SA. The computer had finished downloading SA. I played 1 v 1 with him. I won most of the time, went down to chee meng house and brought his hamster to my house. We bath the hamster. Time pass really quick it was 6 .30. I couldn’t bear to leave the hamster but he have to go. I sent him to the lift than I went down to play basketball till 7. Tuition teacher still haven come. Till 7 than my tuition teacher arrive. I went home for tuition, on my way home. My mother called my handphone. I was being scolded again anyway it is also my fault because I didn’t ask permission from her. Sianxz. it’s time to stop blogging got to go byes

Sunday, May 2, 2010

hais today nt so fun . wake up in the morning than go chong pang eat breadfast.after that went for tuition till 3 .went home mother ask me do homework but didnt do . than she call teacher and ask her i have homework anot teacher sae have than i kana canning by mother lol .15 strokes so painful all hit same place so pain . post more latwe on .

Saturday, May 1, 2010

today woke up at 1 so tired . than feel that hand still pain , nobody want go escape on monday sianxz . than pack my bed . went out , in stead of going shopping than go work part time help her bring the kites to 7 eleven . so heavy , than go woodlands play kite with family and friends . played till 8 plus . went to hougang mall sent mine n79 for repain including my iphone . ate black pepper chicken and went to timezone to play . played half way game stop they closing sianxz . went home around 10 plus on the way home need help mum drop cheque need jump across bushes sia almost fall . hahas .than reach home at 11 . went to bath and started posting naos . who want go escape sms me :) thats the end for today .

Friday, April 30, 2010

sorry not so active this few days . lets talk about today . after school went home for tuition . on the way home , so ming lun and took taxi with him . after that went home for tuition.after tuition go 755 saw darryl than go 761 met a new guy today he so pro . play 3 vs 3 against others we won . than matthew and eldrick came . played 1 on 1 i won matthew the bet was hu lose will kana beat everyday i dont want sianxz than vs wee kien lose 7-6 so everyday must kana beat dk hw long i can take it sia. so pain full nw i tink later blue black liao .

Monday, April 26, 2010

today wake up early , quarrel with my sister . than walk to bus stop saw wee kien , took bus with him to our school . by the time reached there already late , so go to mac and eat till 8 . after that have music lesson . so boring than art than recess . after school , saw my kor zhi kai , he use lighter burn me so pain . than saw me fayatte and took back my thumbthrive . went to mac again saw jia xin , antonia , james and ming lun . after that took taxi back with ming lun he pay for taxi fare so much money sial . went to 755 play bball. played with yishun sec ppl like so noob. after that alot of gangsters cme in all so guai lan and kb . make audrey always fall down . so sad for him sia . now at home doing my homework or tomorrow teacher will kpkb . that the end for today bye got to stop blogging